*Appointment times may vary, please contact the clinic for more information.
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Dental Hygiene Clinic in Boise, Idaho
Complimentary dental cleanings
Want a complimentary dental cleaning? Then Carrington College’s Dental Hygiene Clinic is here for you!
Complimentary at each appointment:
Dental cleaning
Fluoride application
Home care instruction
Dental screening
Help Our Students
We just ask of one thing – your time. Considering we are a teaching clinic, your appointment will take longer than what you would expect at a typical dentist’s office. A student will be doing all the work, then their instructors and the clinic Dentist will sign off when they are done. Think of it this way…. It will be the most thorough cleaning you’ve probably ever had!
Other Services:
Dental sealants
X-Rays with dental hygiene services only
Need to cancel?
Nobody likes a no-show, especially if your grade depends on it. If you can’t make your appointment, call us at least 3 days in advance. (208) 947-6821