Carrington College Alumni Information and Assistance

Carrington is a place that works hard to provide you with far more than an education. We also want to support you as part of a growing community that will be there for you now that you’ve graduated. From the start, there’s been a strong connection between our alumni and our current students. Now, you have the opportunity to pay it forward and do all you can to help the next generation follow in your footsteps. Whether it’s joining our Alumni Facebook page, calling the school for career advice or coming back to speak to prospective students, there are plenty of ways for you to stay connected with classmates and peers. Likewise, always remember that when you need advice, career guidance or just want to hear a friendly voice, you can count on us to be here for you.

The Assistance You Need to Pursue Your Career

Carrington is here to help you with your job searching strategies, resume writing and interviewing skills. Career Services are available to all graduates without charge. Success in securing employment depends on your level of effort, motivation and educational performance. Carrington doesn’t guarantee employment or employment within specific salary ranges or areas.

However, as a Carrington Alumnus, we can guarantee you’re always at home with your alma mater. Feel free to stop by anytime for any reason. From reconnecting with a faculty member to telling us about all you’ve accomplished since graduation, know that you are always welcome here. We understand that you’re a busy professional now, so if you can’t find the time to visit, just use our contact form and let us know what’s new.

Finding Your Future: Carrington College Career Services
The Career Services team at Carrington College works with students and alumni to guide them to a brighter future.


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