Things You Don’t Want To Hear This Valentine’s Day

Valentine's DaySt. Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and you know what that means! Plenty of first dates will happen in the next week or two! So, as we are all about education here at Carrington College we thought we’d add this ‘topical education moment’ to this month’s newsletter! (All tongue in cheek of course!) Study these lines intently. If you hear one of them on your date, immediately text your ‘bff’ for that ‘escape phone call’! We also advise you not to use any of these lines if you’d like a second date!

  1. “Apparently this restaurant isn’t any good, but I had a coupon I needed to use…”
  2. “This was my ex’s favorite place…”
  3. “I’ve grown to accept that most people I date just won’t be as smart as me!”
  4. “I’ve never been able to find the right person, so I decided to lower my standards…”
  5. “I’ve definitely matured…there was a time I wouldn’t have given you a second look…”
  6. “I have to be home by nine; my seven cats miss me if I’m out too long…”
  7. [To the server at the start of the evening] “Yes…we’ll be having separate checks…”
  8. “So your younger brother/sister is very handsome/pretty [delete as appropriate], is he/she single?”
  9. “I do a lot of online dating; so refresh my memory then – Which one are you?”
  10. “I’d drive you home, but I just cleaned the inside of my car. Sorry.”
  11. “My mom said I should…”
  12. “Would you stop talking, I’m trying to watch the game!”
  13. “Your cooking is ok, but it’s not like mother makes!”
  14. “Your face looks kind of puffy, are you ill?”
  15. “While you were in the bathroom I picked out all our children’s names…”
  16. “Stalker is such a harsh word…I much prefer ‘intense researcher’ “

Do have fun this Valentine’s Day, but please remember these serious first date tips:

  1. Meet somewhere public – don’t get picked up at home
  2. Tell a friend where you’re going, and what time you’ll be back.
  3. After you meet your date, make a safety call; give them details of the person you’re meeting.
  4. If available, use valet parking – no dark parking lots.
  5. If you’re of legal drinking age, don’t drink too much…keep your senses.
  6. If your intuition is telling you something is off, it probably is.

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