Study finds that pharmacists’ roles within health care teams are expanding

The tasks and duties of all those involved in pharmaceutical work have increased over recent years, especially as new research continues to lead to more medications being marketed every day. From students involved in pharmacy technician programs to those looking for careers in retail, the importance of all branches of pharmaceuticals is becoming a growing need in our country. One recent study has elaborated on how pharmacists are progressing to possess a more crucial role within health care teams for patients. Study recognizes importance of pharmacists A recent report published by the Pharmacy Workforce Center has described how the role pharmacists play for patients dealing with multiple health care professions is continuing to rise.1 The study was the latest effort in a four-part series conducted by the Midwest Pharmacy Workforce Research Consortium, and illustrated how significant the increase in pharmacists becoming more active in health care-related services has grown over recent years. Women are now controlling the market  Some examples of data suggesting this progression pharmacists are having in health care teams include the fact that an estimated 60 percent of pharmacists were involved in medication therapy management with patients. That figure is an exceptional increase from the projected 13 percent of pharmacists who were active in such treatment options in 2004. In addition, 53 percent of pharmacists performed immunizations in 2014, compared to only 15 percent who did so in 2004.2 This shift has been attributed to patients now having better access to health care services provided by pharmacists, such as attending various health screenings in chain or retail pharmacy stores. The data from the study also found that women are now making up the majority of the work force for pharmacists, including 55 percent of pharmacy managers being female, a figure that was at 41 percent in 2009. Job satisfaction remains steady  The report also indicated that the majority of employed pharmacists are more than satisfied with their job, with 66 percent of pharmacists reporting they have a “high level of career commitment.” The researchers also discovered that job longevity for pharmacists was very steady, with the average employee spending 7.9 years working for their employer. All of these findings allude that the job outlook for aspiring pharmacists continues to be trending upwards. 1 “Pharmacists’ Roles on the Healthcare Team Are Expanding, Study Shows” University of Minnesota, 2 “Pharmacists’ roles on the health care team are expanding,” American Pharmacists Association, April 9, 2015.

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