Four ways to stay safe this summer

Don't forget to use these tips to stay safe this summer!
Don’t forget to use these tips to stay safe this summer!
Summer’s almost here and that means plenty of time spent outdoors. While summer vacation is certainly one of the perks of being a college student – that is, of course, unless you’ve opted to take summer classes – it brings its own set of challenges. You may not be worrying about studying for finals, but you should be taking steps to stay safe so you’re ready to head back to school in the fall.

1. Wear sunscreen

Your mother has probably been giving you this advice for years, but wear sunscreen! Seriously. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, more than 2 million people are diagnosed with skin cancer each year. If you plan on being outside, slap on a bit of SPF 30 and reapply every few hours.

2. Warm up before kickball

Whether you’re into softball or kickball, summer intramural leagues can be a ton of fun. While it’s a common misconception that stretching before the game will prevent you from sustaining injuries, warming up can be beneficial. Try going for a quick jog around the bases or doing some jumping jacks to get the blood flowing and give your muscles a chance to prepare for more rigorous physical activity.

3. Stay hydrated

Obviously, summer is hot. Heat can make it difficult to stay hydrated, so drink plenty of water! Buy yourself a reusable water bottle and carry it with you wherever you go. Staying hydrated has other benefits too: It helps you maintain a healthy weight and improves your ability to fight illness.

4. Wear a helmet

If you plan on enjoying a beautiful summer day by going on a bike ride, don’t forget to wear your helmet! You may not think it looks cool, but wearing a helmet is an easy way to stay safe. Find the smallest size that will fit on your head and pull the straps until it’s snug.

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