Jeff Seastrand is an Air Force member who pursued a career in dental hygiene at Carrington College’s Mesa campus due to his long-standing interest in the field. He graduated from Carrington College’s Dental Hygiene program in 2018 and worked in both corporate and private dental practices before returning to active duty with the Air Force during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite his current full-time military role, he remains passionate about dental hygiene, keeps his license active, and volunteers at dental events.
Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
I am 35 years old, born and raised in Arizona. I have four siblings, one of which is a twin brother who is in the US Coast Guard. I joined the Air Force in 2009 and I’m currently serving. I enjoy going to the gym, mountain biking, running, and spending time with my friends and dog Chewy.
When did you decide to pursue a career in dental hygiene?
Ever since I can remember, I enjoyed going to the dentist and found it a fascinating experience. My mom told me that as a young boy, I always said I wanted to be a dentist when I grew up. As I started college, I became interested in the hygiene side of the dental field. (A chemistry course also made me reevaluate my career path.) I did research on the field and realized dental hygiene was something I really wanted to do.
What motivated you to choose Carrington College?
I kept reading great things about the program at Carrington College when I researched Dental Hygiene programs in the Phoenix area. Another appealing factor of the program was the waitlist wasn’t nearly as long as the other programs in the area. I was eager to start my dental hygiene journey, so these two factors made my decision to apply to Carrington College an easy decision.
What was your favorite part of your program at Carrington College?
I can’t say enough good things about the people I met while I was in school. I met many great people in my cohort, some of whom I’m still close to today. And the instructors, I can’t say enough good things about them. They genuinely want you to succeed and be successful peers in the dental hygiene field.
What was the most challenging part of your program?
Juggling everyday life while going through a fast-paced program like Dental Hygiene is challenging, but the support of my family, friends, cohort, and instructors made it manageable. The most challenging course for me was Periodontology; however, by the end of the term, I was much more confident about it due to the great instructors.
Did you ever want to quit when you were in school?
Quitting never crossed my mind because I had wanted to do dental hygiene since I was little.
What got you through the challenging times?
I am very fortunate and have a great family and an amazing group of friends who helped keep me motivated when I had any self-doubts or concerns about being a good dental hygienist.
Is there a Carrington College instructor or staff member who you would like to acknowledge?
All of them! Brenda Chavez, Nazzi Mouzoon, Dr. Greene, Dr. Cady, Shirley Wall, Amy McSweeney, Dr. Alkoury, Ms. Robison, and Ms. Lakefield. They were instrumental in helping me get to where I am today.
Please tell us about your current work.
My story takes a bit of a turn here. After I graduated in August 2018, I started working at Heartland Dental. I was there for about 8 months and learned a great deal. I was able to see how the job worked. After my time at Heartland, I moved and began working at a private practice. Again, I learned a lot and became a quicker and more efficient hygienist. When COVID hit in 2020 and shut the dental field down, I had an opportunity to go back on active-duty status with the Air Force. At the time, I figured it would just be something I did until the dental world recovered. However, 4 years later, I am still with the Air Force full-time. I currently run the weapons training section, instructing, and qualifying members on weapons. I jokingly say, “I can teach you how to clean your teeth or clean your rifle”. My hygiene license is still active and I plan on keeping it forever since it is something I am passionate about and enjoy. I volunteer for dental events when they pop up and help do cleanings for those in need. I love doing these events and helping people receive the care they deserve.
What do you enjoy most about dental hygiene?
I love meeting so many different people while doing hygiene. Every patient I’ve had has taught me something. I also enjoy helping people be healthier and have a better quality of life.
How did Carrington College prepare you for your career?
The most important aspect of learning anything is a good foundation. The Dental Hygiene program at Carrington College provided me with that. The program design is very effective at helping you build your skills and confidence as you progress through the program. Our teachers emphasized details, which helps with becoming a good dental hygienist.
Do you have any advice for people interested in entering your field?
Believe in yourself! Remember that it is a process. You will have days where you don’t think you’re cut out to be a hygienist because it’s just not clicking. I promise one day it will just click, and it will all make sense. Don’t give up, keep going!