7 Career Hacks For New Carrington Grads

GraduationOnce you walk the stage at your Carrington College graduation ceremony, it suddenly hits you…”I’ve done it!” You’ve achieved your first goal, you are on your way to a new career, but where do you go from here? With our grouped graduation ceremonies, some of you may start your first job before you don your cap and gown, but for others the ceremony may mark the start of your job search. Whatever your situation, it’s important to make the most of the first six months after graduation – these simple career hacks might help.

  1. Take advantage of the Career Services department.

Your Carrington career services team will continue to work with you after you graduate if you need them, so be sure to utilize their experience, skills and connections.

  1. Use social media to connect with Carrington alumni

Whether you’re working or not, don’t be afraid to reach out to successful Carrington alumni in your field. Use LinkedIn as your starting point. Don’t ask contacts for a job, just ask how they achieved their success.

  1. Don’t lose your enthusiasm

Still looking for the job of your dreams? Stay positive. You could apply for lots of jobs without getting a response. But health care is a very competitive industry, be patient. Everyone starts somewhere. Use the time positively; if you can’t get a job quickly, consider volunteering in the field to make new connections.

  1. Working, but not enjoying it?

If you got hired on at your externship, you may have found the perfect job from day one. But maybe you didn’t. If it’s the latter, give it time. Build your experience and remember that it’s easier to get a job when you have a job. Your résumé will look a lot better with some experience and “stickability”.

  1. Be patient. Most of us start at the bottom.

Don’t write off a new career because the first few weeks don’t go as expected. You have to prove yourself in any new role, and earn your employer’s trust. That may involve doing tasks you think beneath you at first. Do them, do them well and don’t complain. Once you’ve proved yourself capable, you should be given more responsibility. If that doesn’t start to happen after a few months, read number 6.

  1. Be patient, but be confident in yourself.

If, after a few months, the work you’re given isn’t progressing and you’re not getting more responsibility (within the scope of your role of course), ask for more. If your boss doesn’t take that request seriously, then it might be time to start considering your options.

  1. Continue to learn after college.

Continuing education is of huge importance in the health care field. You have to stay up to date with the latest development in your field, so keep reading, keep learning, and take every opportunity to improve your knowledge and progress your career. Don’t think you’ve made it because you walked the stage…  

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