We all start the New Year with the best intentions. We’re going to workout more, eat healthier or maybe take that trip we’ve been planning. But be honest…the motivation you had January 1st usually disappears before spring break. That’s why we’ve come up with this list of 5 tips to help you keep your resolution this year.
Baby Steps
Make Time For Change
You made the decision, now make time to do it! We’re all way too busy already, so finding time for something else can be tricky. Stick it on your calendar and pretend it’s a meeting you can’t miss. Schedule gym time, even set an alert on your phone to remind you to get off the couch and workout! That way you can’t give yourself the “I just don’t have enough time” excuse.
Celebrate the Small Stuff
Bring in a Buddy
There’s a reason it’s called the buddy system. Having someone working with you to achieve a goal is a great way to stay motivated. You can encourage each other to stay on track or even have a little friendly competition! See who can save the most money each week by bringing lunch to work. If you aren’t feeling the gym tonight and you know your friend will end up with more steps than you, it might get your moving.
Write it Out