Nurturing Success: Khari-Lee Alberty’s Journey to Excellence at Carrington College

In the world of veterinary medicine, passion, dedication, and unwavering support are key ingredients for success. Khari-Lee Alberty, a recent graduate from Carrington College’s Veterinary Technology program in Pleasant Hill, exemplifies these qualities and more.

From overcoming personal challenges to embracing her love for animals, Khari-Lee’s journey at Carrington College is nothing short of inspiring. In this exclusive Q&A interview, Khari-Lee shares her insights and experiences, offering invaluable advice to current and aspiring students alike. Join us as we explore Khari-Lee’s remarkable journey and discover how Carrington College helped paved the way for her success in the field of veterinary medicine.


Can you share a bit about your journey at Carrington College? What drew you to the Veterinary Technology program?

Firstly, I’ve always been a nurturer and at my core I view myself as a healer. What drew me to Veterinary medicine was my love for animals as well as my strong interest in the inner workings of living beings.


How did your experience at Carrington College prepare you for your career in veterinary medicine?

This program set realistic expectations for us to prepare us for EXACTLY what we would encounter in the field. There are not many situations I’ve found myself in that I can’t trace back to my training at Carrington.


What were some of the most valuable skills or lessons you learned during your time in the program?

Being that my main interest in this field is surgery within specialty medicine, being trained in anesthesia and surgical assisting has already proven to boost me into opportunities that fit my specific goals in the industry.


We heard you gave a speech at your graduation ceremony. What was that experience like for you, and what message did you share with your fellow graduates?

During my speech I shined light on some of my personal struggles during my time with Carrington. When school first started, I was living about 2.5 hours from campus and sleeping in my car with my pup! My instructors and classmates gave me so much support throughout that time and I was able to eventually find housing here in the Bay Area with friends.

I lost my mother during my second term and that same support never wavered, my fellow classmates and instructors held me up and I kept trucking along. It was incredible knowing just how much I’d gone through and finding myself being awarded at my graduation just before delivering a speech! Throughout my time in school my shortest commute was 1 hr and 15 minutes, and I was even working 3 jobs at one point, it’s just a reminder of how badly I wanted to succeed and how willing the VT program was to help me.


Could you tell us about your job search process after graduating? How did Carrington College support you in finding employment?

The thing is, right from the start Carrington puts you in a position to find employment. We had mandatory clinical rotations each term. I came into the field with no prior experience and was able to land a job at a specialty hospital almost a year before I even graduated. It’s also very well known that Carrington students come well trained and prepared for whatever you threw at them, so hospitals and clinics in our area keep an eye out for us as well. It gave us the opportunity to avoid being fresh graduates who didn’t have experience outside of a school setting.


What advice would you give to current students at Carrington College who are aspiring to follow a similar path in veterinary medicine?

USE. YOUR. RESOURCES. I cannot stress enough how important it is to know your resources and utilize them! From having access to our textbooks on our tablets provided by Carrington to booking time before or after class with your instructors to fine tune skills you need help with. There is a wide range of ways the program can support you and it’s up to you to make sure you take advantage of it.


Can you share a memorable moment from your time as a student at Carrington College?

Running anesthesia for the first time and realizing that surgical assisting was not only my passion, but my niche, was UNFORGETTABLE! My instructors Alisha Johnson and Ben Siegal were amazing to learn from and made me feel extremely comfortable to ask questions.


How do you balance pursuing your dreams while managing the demands of work and personal life?

Having a strong support system and not accepting any other outcome. Without my chosen family and my Carrington family I simply would not have been able to accomplish this. I’m very thankful for everyone’s reminders to rest and take care of myself. You can get lost very easily trying to keep up with work and school, but you can’t forget to tend to your own personal needs. I was very headstrong, and knowing exactly what I wanted helped me keep a cool head.


What are your long-term career goals in the field of veterinary medicine?

I’m a couple weeks away from taking the VTNE and I’m nervous but extremely excited. My immediate goal of course is to pass the VTNE and secure my RVT license. Following that I’ll begin clocking my hours as soon as possible toward the title of VTS (Veterinary Technician Specialist). There’s a minimal requirement of 5 years or 10,000 hours working within your area of interest to apply, and I hope to achieve my VTS in surgery when that time comes. There are many different pathways including dentistry, anesthesia, and emergency/critical care.


Finally, how do you feel your experience at Carrington College has shaped your professional identity and prepared you for success in your career?

I credit all my skills and knowledge to the RVTs that served as our instructors on campus. They prepared me for every aspect of the profession I love and I’m forever grateful to them. I was taught not only how the navigate my job as a technician but how to navigate the industry. This program is moulding the next generation of veterinary professionals and it’s beautiful to see more and more people recognize who we are and how important our role is in health care.


Khari-Lee’s journey at Carrington College stands as a testament to the power of resilience, determination, and unwavering support. From facing personal challenges to embracing her passion for healing and veterinary medicine, Khari-Lee’s experience exemplifies the transformative impact of education and mentorship. As she continues pursuing her dreams, Khari-Lee’s story serves as an inspiration for current and aspiring students, reminding us all of the profound impact education can have in shaping our professional identities and preparing us for success in our chosen paths.

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