Carrington College Blog

My Starting Point – Mayra Ruiz Gallegos – Core Classes

February 18, 2014

Mayra Ruiz GallegosHello #Carringtonflock, thanks for continuing to follow me as I work through the Pharmacy Technology program at the Mesa campus. Last time I spoke about the transition from the FA100 course, but now I’m excited to be into my core program. Need to catch up? You can read my earlier blogs using this link.

I’m a Pharmacy Technology Student!

So here I am, eight weeks into my program and two weeks into my first core Pharmacy Technology course! We really haven’t done much hands-on stuff yet. Our teacher did warn us that the first six weeks will be mostly bookwork, and that there won’t be a lot of hands-on lab work initially. It’s a little disappointing but I know there’s a lot of math in Pharmacy Technology, so there’s a lot of studying to be done before we can get hands-on.

We’ve just been learning about the nervous system, and this week we’re starting to learn about the brain. The most interesting thing I’ve learned so far is how seizures are caused and how you can prevent them. I’ve also learned how the central nervous system basically controls your whole body, and that different parts of your brain can make you do different things…and how medications can control that.

I’m excited that we’ll be able to get into more hands-on learning once this first six weeks is done.

Getting to Know My Classmates

There are 15 of us in our Pharmacy Technology class; the lady who spoke to us all before we went into our core classes advised us that it would be good to pair up with a friend; someone who you can work with to keep each other motivated through the program. My study buddy is my new friend Brianna; we met in the FA100 class, and yes we do actually keep each other motivated! In fact, we all do, the whole class. We try to explain things to each other, test each other in class, and try to make sure everyone is keeping up.

Take Lots of Notes in Class

In the first couple of weeks you’ll realize that you’re going to take lots and lots of notes; health care is always changing so I’ve discovered that the slides allow instructors to share the most recent information. That’s why it’s so important to take good notes. I’ve also learned that what’s on the slides is often included in the test at the end of the week!

I kind of write everything down; note-taking really helps me with my studying. The day before the test our teacher reviews everything, and that’s helpful; he also gives us a review sheet to study, and that really helps too.

Definitely have an open mind about going into your core class; I wouldn’t say it’s more difficult, just more complex. They stop baby-feeding you; you’re going to have to feed yourself now! Stay focused, don’t give up and if you have people who can support and motivate you inside or outside of school, speak to them.

Get Some Support

You’ll discover that your support network becomes more important as you move into your core program,  maybe more than it mattered at the start of your program. My family and friends have been really supportive; they’ve been motivating me, making sure that I stay on schedule and that I get my homework done on time. They can see that I’ve been struggling a little; a lot of the stuff we’re learning is new, it’s nothing like the stuff you learn in high school or junior high – it’s a lot more complex. They’ve really been there for me.

Thanks for checking in! I hope reading my blogs is helping you stay motivated yourself! Next time I’ll introduce you to my teacher, Mr. Ron!